My Journey
I first started out on my journey of recognising subtle energy and exploring the psychic realm in 2001 when I became Reiki attuned after attending a short Tai Chi course, where we were asked to 'feel the energy in our hands' and I was surprised to find out I could feel it quite strongly and this fascinated me. From there on I had my first Level I Reiki attunement which allowed me to work with my friends and family and within the same year I took my Level II Reiki attunement so that I could work with the public. Since then, I have worked with many clients over the years, and explored lots of other modalities, including formal Buddhist practice of prayer/sadhana for many years, rebirth breathing and other breathwork practices, yoga, kirtan singing and many more healing workshops, festivals and pretty much anything where I could explore alternative ways of experiencing the more subtle levels of of myself and developing a relationship with my own energy. I studied a Psychology and Health Science Degree and graduated in 2006, as I wanted to understand more about the mind, and managed to bring in my interest in Reiki and meditation as assignment work and my final dissertation. I started on a shamanic path in 2012, when I took medicine wheel training in Andean Shamanism, followed by receiving the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki within the same tradition. I travelled to Goa and worked with the rites whilst there and then went on to travel to Peru twice in 2016, where I experienced receiving sacred rites there at many sacred sites, including Machu Picchu and also had the opportunity to work with plant medicines Ayahuasca and San Pedro, which would go on to teach me some very strong lessons! In 2018 I bought my horse Tigger, who little did I know would go on to become a strong soul family teacher, not only in how to deal with my energy, but it was him that started me on a path of taking animal communication more seriously, as I recognised he was showing me things and 'telling' me things about his needs, health body and emotions, some of which were confirmed by other communicators, veterinary exam and physio visits. I continue to learn more of the Andean cosmovision, as I spend more time in Peru and sit with my Pampamisayoc friend Snantos Apaza. I believe that we are all on a journey of learning and awakening, and I think that animals or no exception. Every being is at a different place on their 'path' and my calling is to be a support to others on their path via the experiences, trainings and insightful wisdom I have gained whilst walking mine.