Shamanic Intuitive Mentoring.
Where have you been all your life?
How easy do you think it is, to make your dreams a reality? Do you even know what your dream is?
To align with the energy of creating your dream, there are fundamental things that need to be present:
Believing your dream is TOTALLY possible.
Seeing clearly how it looks to be living it.
Recognising how you would feel when living this dream.
Acknowledging any beliefs that are obstacles to your dream.
Doing the work to clear above obstacles to prepare the way for welcoming your expanded multi-dimensional soul energy.
We will uncover the real reasons that hold you in a place of stagnancy, confusion, or repeating patterns. This may be occurring in the workplace, relationships, family dynamics, self-image or somewhere else. Whatever the obstacle, even if it seems insurmountable, we can work together towards your dream reality. To do this, we will be:
Looking at patterns of thought and behaviour that keep you locked in the past, holding you back.
Journeying into the subconscious to find stored blocks, release old wounds from the past.
Inviting in your new soul template energy.
Upgrading and installing new beliefs.
Claiming your hidden GOLD, those aspects of yourself waiting to be integrated, so you can live as your most expanded self.