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Usui Reiki Healing

1 h
50 British pounds
The Lotus Retreat, London Street, Faringdon, SN7 7AA

Service Description

Reiki is a universal energy, much like chi or prana talked about in many eastern and yogic philosophies. It is within all of us and around us as a 'field' and can become blocked, unbalanced, depleted or over stimulated. As a result there are any number of symptoms you can suffer with, ranging from sleep issues, emotional imbalances, digestive issues, skin problems, aching muscles, lack of concentration, spaciness or ungrounded, anxiety and many more. As a Reiki practitioner, I am attuned as a channel for Reiki energy and by passing energy to you the client, this can facilitate the rebalancing of your energy field and the body's own natural ability to heal. This in turn affects all personal levels of your mental, emotional, physical and energetic state. As Reiki works on the subtle energy, it does not have to be conducted in person, therefore a distant session can be equally as beneficial and works well if there is an issue with travelling or particularly in light of the current Covid-19 restrictions.

Contact Details

  • Natalie Gray - Transformational Energy Healing | Shamanic Healing & Journeying | Soul Dance Facilitator, Chatsworth Road, Swindon, UK

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