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When you love to move to music and feel the connection to each other 

Immersive movement that invites you to really connect to the music by listening to how your body wants to move and dance, not led my how your mind thinks you 'should' dance in order to 'fit the bill' or look 'good'. As adults we can lose the spontaneity we see in children, and may find it hard to let go, or become vulnerable.


Guided Shamanic Soul Dancing invites you to get involved, relax and allow your body its own expression in a fun way that's in a held sacred space, showing you that vulnerability can be enjoyable as you connect back in with yourself.


You don't have to be a 'good dancer', this experience is not about party dance moves!! Just come with a willingness to explore how you can journey with dance to:


  • Release stress/mental and emotional tension

  • Explore your thoughts, feelings and reactions as you dance,

  • Tap into your body's wisdom to help you find areas of resistance both mentally and emotionally

  • Enjoy a connected shared space with others, bringing back a sense of community

  • Move through resistance/challenges and step into new spaces as you move and dance with others

  • Learn to listen more to your body's 'language' through its own rhythm, as a source of wisdom in your daily life.

  • Connect to your body as a personal journey.

  • Find new ways to move, explore and express yourself



Upcoming Group Session

22nd May 2022 - 2.00pm till 4.30pm​

Shamanic Souldance, including Guided Shamanic Journey, Journaling

Want to hire me for your event or gathering?

Sessions can be tailored to fit any timescale, but a standard sessions is dancing for an hour and also we will be using journaling to support our process at the start and end of each session. Sessions can explore themes such as:


Your Feminine Energy/Your Masculine Energy/Finding Your Expression/Owning Your Space/Releasing the past

But can be tailored to suit.


I can add in shamanic tools, meditation, focus more on the journaling process, oracle card guidance and more.



If you would like to stay informed, please click below to add your email address
as workshops and session dates will be offered on an adhoc basis

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What is Souldance?

What people say about Souldance

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I was apprehensive as I didn't know what it would entail and am fairly introverted and didn't want to risk making a fool of myself. I felt more in tune with the music as the session developed. It was lovely to feel safe alongside others and allow myself to dance feely without fear of judgement. After I felt relaxed and invigorated.


I loved the Soul Dancing but do that most days in my bedroom!


I didn't know what to expect and felt apprehensive.  I was nervous initially, but soon relaxed into the rhythm of the music. I found the experience surprising, freeing and uplifting! Afterwards, I felt free, relaxed and happy.

“I took part in a soul dance session lead by Natalie, and this was an amazing experience. When I was younger, dancing was very natural, and over the years, moving and expressing emotions with my body is becoming harder, as if an inner resistance made of shame, self-consciousness, and even fear had built up. Natalie is holding a very safe space to allow ourselves to get back in touch with our bodies and primal emotions, and her gentle guidance speaks to the heart more than the mind. Thank you for enabling this wonderful (re)connection to happen, and to share your light and grounding energy with so much joy. I definitely need more of this magic in my life!!!”

Alix M

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