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Drawing on 20 years of spiritual development, training and transformation; I can take you into the world of transformational energy work, shamanic practice and intuitive guidance. I've got many tools to help you shift what's not serving you, clear obstacles that are holding you back and empower you to step into the best version of yourself, for a happier more fulfilling life.

Soul Work and Our Journey

In these times of much change, Natalie feels excited that what was largely seen in the mainstream as a 'spiritual practice' when she started out on her own journey, meditating, looking after your subtle energy, yoga, self-enquiry, understanding the link between what you consume (not just eating, but what you feed your mind and senses) and your mind body emotional health, is now becoming much more a part of general enquiry and exploration on how to live your best life.  She believes, particularly in light of the pandemic, people have had more time with themselves and had to look at ways to manage their inner world as the outer one changed drastically in ways we hadn't anticipated.  Her view is that this IS the spiritual journey. She sees us all as spiritual beings in bodies, either human or otherwise and there are many ways to 'feed the soul'.  She hope that the services offered here, can go some way towards feeding your soul, and helping that quiet inner voice of your own guidance get louder and become your guiding wisdom light.  

Natalie has been on her own soul journey for the last 28 years, awakening to the inner experience, finding modalities along the way that have allowed her to gradually quieten the mind, clear old patterns of wounding and trauma and invite love in, as she has opened the doors to her heart and gradually dissolved the layers of conditioning gathered throughout life's challenges. She is a transformational shamanic energy guide, trained in the Q'ero medicine of the high Andes orignally in 2012, but has continued to learn more of this beautiful cosmovision and has had several trips to The Sacred Valley in Peru, maintaining a strong connection with one of the Andean Pampamisayoc there. She is a light language channel and intuitive coach. Her passion is journeying of all kinds, and offers various containers to support you, ranging from cacao ceremonies, shamanic journeying, soul dance journeys and retreat experiences in The Sacred Valley, Peru, to invite you to awaken to your own great journey, walking yourself home. Her mission is to help you to remember who you are, access and awaken to your own soul voice and find your innate wisdom that is already sitting in your lightbody, that resides in your cells and is waiting for you to unlearn and re-member! You are all sovereign beings and her purpose is to help you Align - Balance - Connect


Do you feel stuck but not sure why?

Shamanic Energy Work can help remove obstacles, highlight what's holding you back, provide a way forward

Are you in overwhelm, lack emotional connection or have issues you want to work on?

Reiki and/or Shamanic Energy work can help sooth the nervous system, clear away unwanted energies, to help you step forward

Do you want to grow but not sure where to start?

Shamanic Energy Work offers the gateway to a path of self-reflection, healing and growth, giving you a way to open the door to living your best life

As I now spend part of my year in Peru and part in the UK, all of my sessions can be done at distance via Zoom or face to face and are equally beneficial - Contact me if you would like to understand more about how this works!

Face to Face sessions when in the UK will take place at The Lotus Retreat, Faringdon, SN7 7AA


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Find out more

What's On?


Shamanic Healing


Reiki with Light Language 


Animal Healing


Meditation Classes


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What People Say About Natalie

Client Talk

Shamanic Energy 

Healing -

I was fortunate to be introduced to Natalie by a mutual friend and have experienced Natalie's healing techniques first-hand, which had a profound healing effect. I literally felt an internal shift and removal of negativity that I was burdened with.


Rae L

Reiki Healing -

I was really pleased that Natalie didn't ask me any questions when I arrived for my first session as I wasn't exactly sure why I had chosen to have a Reiki session, nor why I chose Natalie. But obviously things often work out well if you just trust, as I felt relaxed and able to be completely open with Natalie right from the start. I had an incredible experience, far beyond my expectations, feeling that something profound had happened to me. I was so pleased that Natalie shared so much of what she saw and felt, at the end of the session. So much of it made sense to me. I feel as if something has opened and I am at the start of an important journey. Thank you Natalie.


R.A O’Hare

Shamanic Clearing & Oracle Guidance -

Natalie has a true gift! Through the communication we discovered that I had some unwanted energy attached to me, we then worked through her energy tune up service. The process was indescribable and the feeling of relief I felt as soon as it was finished was crazy. She has helped guide me in an uncertain time. I would recommend her services to anyone


Giorgia S






Shamanic Energy Healing - ONLINE SESSION -

I didn't have any expectations about how the session would be. The only exception I personally had before the session was that I wanted to feel something.  I had a little reservation towards the fact that I had to change the session to be online. But this reservation went out of the window as soon as we started. You just get drawn into it and forget this detail. Since everything is energy, we are all connected no matter the distance. 


I felt very much connected to the session as soon as we started. I just tried to be present, which is something I can struggle with, and this felt very easy with Natalie.

I felt much lighter at the end of the session. Something was definitely shifted. And kept feeling the same every time I did my 'homework'! 


Joao Miranda  

Shamanic Energy Healing -

My time with Natalie was really valuable. A shift was evident from our first session but the ongoing practices are showing obvious results. A greater sense of lightness and energy in my everyday activities has been most welcome. I would recommend to anyone to give it a try. 

Mark M


Have a Question?

Get in touch if you have a question and I’ll be happy to get back to you as soon as I can.

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©2021 by Natalie Gray. Proudly created with

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